Caesar's camp

  • Forum and Basilica of Caesar's Camp© Jérôme Buigues
  • Roman statue© Jérôme Buigues
  • Caesar's camp© OT PROVENCE OCCITANE
Forum and Basilica of Caesar's CampRoman statueCaesar's camp


To explore the Provence Occitane region is to follow the paths of time, going back to ancient times...
Caesar's Camp, an ancient stronghold, is one of those places that transports you back to another age, in this case, when our country was called Gaul.

The Camp de César, contrary to its name, was not a military stronghold, but a Gallo-Roman city extending over almost 18 hectares, dominating the Rhone corridor and offering a unique view of the Cèze and Tave valleys.

Today, the site is the object of regular archaeological excavations, and offers a magnificent testimony to what life was like in these perched villages, with their cobbled streets still marked by human activity, an activity that was continued until the 13th century by the Benedictines. You'll also be able to contemplate the remains of two surviving places of worship: a Romanesque oratory and a chapel dedicated to Saint Jean.

But Provence Occitane is also a land of legends, and Caesar's Camp opens its arms to you to tell you its own, still alive among the stones... In the days when the streets of the town were still bustling, people worshipped the sun, celebrated on the plateau with the legend of the "Golden Goat". Every year, at midnight on Saint John's Day (June 24), a chasm opens up from which the Golden Goat, emblematic of the sun's arrival at the summer solstice, rises. Legend has it that, in the abyss, she watches over the treasure left behind by Hannibal when he passed through the lands of Provence Occitane...

Take your turn treading these stones, and let our legends tell you all about them!
Opening day(s)

All year long 2026

Every day


Le camp de César
Route du Camp de César
GPS coordinates
Latitude : 44.119896
Longitude : 4.654065
Caesar's camp
Route du Camp de César
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